About Us
Anyday PA offers the professional, single parent, or busy housewife assistance by getting tasks, chores and to-do-lists managed and actioned efficiently and timeously.
Your Anyday PA can offer assistance with big or small tasks, projects or monthly activities including:
- Scheduling appointments: once off, annual medical check-ups, beauty etc
- Assisting with drop and carry of children to activities (insurance has been obtained for the transporting of such passengers)
- Assisting with children’s projects- procurement needs and information sourcing
- Procuring schooling goods for scholars- uniforms, stationery, sports equipment
- Travel arrangements- researching, obtaining quotes, bookings made
- Packing and unpacking from travel
- House oversight when away-restocking fridge, cleaning, geyser turning on
- Running all errands
- Banking and bill payment
- Household book-keeping and budgeting
- Pet management- walking, pet sitting, grooming, vet visit, annual inoculations
- Reminder service – appointments, anniversaries, activities, NB items
- Elderly assistance – shopping, food delivery, visiting, pick-up & drop-off to doctor
- Grocery shopping, menu planning and meal preparation
- Beauty and cosmetic shopping
- Personal shopping and gift selection; ideas and quotes obtaining
- Personal delivery service for gifts to hospitals, homes, businesses
- Sourcing service providers and goods
- Home moving management and assistance
- Household management- staff, house maintenance, garden, pool
- Waiting service for servicemen- opening of home and overseeing task
- Supervision and project management of alterations, renovations
- Obtaining suppliers and quotes for home renovations/alterations/decoration
- Reorganizing seasonal wardrobes
- Organizing events, dinners, children’s parties, reservations, entertainment ideas
- Renewing contracts
- Basic computer skills (e-mail, scheduling, note taking, typing, presentations)
- Repairs and maintenance actioning- personal goods and household
- Running of house hold due to illness, hospitalization, maternity, paternity, travel, work etc
- The perfect gift for a new mum or busy person- a personal PA allowing us to help them get is done!
- And many more……. You name the task, let us help you get it done!